Let’s do “things”!
If you’re not interested in some philosophy behind the creating of our devices, you’d probably better go back to the Home page.
“Things” is almost any thing which doesn’t work well, or could work better. Or, maybe you can’t find any thing at all which will do what you need or want a “thing” to do.
Maybe every time you use a “thing” you wish there were another option which actually did the job you want done or which the “thing” promised to do but doesn’t.
A “thing” can be just about any thing, from the very smallest to the very largest and any possibility in between. The “thing” can be the most mundane consideration in the world or the most exotic. The ones I work on tend toward the more simple.
The first step is not being satisfied with something. You know if a “thing” were better every other thing around it would be a little bit more pleasant or at least less difficult.
Maybe it’s too complicated or maybe too simple. Maybe the “thing” just needs to be tweaked. Maybe it’s just not available at all.
You probably understand what I’m saying and I could stop here. But I’ve never been accused of saying too little and wouldn’t want to ruin my reputation.
In general I’m not against advancing technology. But not at the expense of advancing the development of Human Beings.
“Advanced technology” is NOT required for the continuing expansion of our awareness.
“Advanced technology” by itself is a false hope. “Advanced technology” can never live up to the promises it makes. Computers promised a better life, more free time, more happiness.
“Advanced technology” leads us away from expanding our awareness and the discovery and expression of our own human potential.
Can it be very useful? Yes! Can it substitute for who we are at our core? Never can. Never will!
“Advanced technology” is a product of the human mind. The human mind is a wonderful thing but not when we let it run wild, especially when untethered to the wisdom which comes with LIFE energy.
What about using artificial intelligence to make a “thing”? Artificial intelligence is just that artificial. Technology is not the answer to everything, especially everything good about humans.
AI is a crutch. Human Beings as a race haven’t begun to tap the potential which the LIFE energy as a Human Being offers.
AI draws our attention to the outside, to the realm of the mind. The mind definitely is NOT where full expression of human potential comes from.
Making “things” better requires paying attention to “the little things” to the “voice inside” to our “gut” to our “heart” to the clues, the bread crumbs we can follow to find the way to grow, to fill our skin as a fully developed Human Being.
From their own ignorant good intentions or maybe desire to maintain control and exert their power, for centuries our leaders in government, religion, and science have fed us such a limited vision of human potential that we continue to grovel in mediocrity as a species, without even awareness of it.
No matter how trivial a “thing” may seem in the context of daily living and what’s happening in the world, the process of making a “thing” better is making it more useful. That is an incredible adventure!
Making a “thing” more useful provides a means for allowing us to learn how to more closely follow the energy and intelligence of LIFE.
Out of nowhere comes the smallest thought which removes an obstacle to our progress. “Where did that come from?” “Is there a part of me that has all the answers?” “How can I stay more in touch with that?”
All this and more is making a “thing” more useful. From the outside it may look like a frost proof yard hydrant, or a t-post bracing anchor, or a door support. But those are simply vehicles, exercises.
Well, I warned you. Take care of yourself and the ones you love.