Plums in our Orchard.

Welcome & Thank You!

This website provides information for both retail and wholesale customers about our practical new devices .

Our unique devices make your tasks easier.

Farm, Ranch, Garden, Landscaping

We’ve created and tested a few ingenious well-made devices. They either eliminate the problems found in existing products or offer an option which didn’t exist before.

They do their intended job, helping you save time and energy while reducing difficulty and frustration.

Our Devices

NEW TECH Yard Hydrant
EASY T-Post Bracing Anchor
Swinging Heavy-Door Support

Raven Spirit Ranch at sunrise

Spring babies.

A bit about Us

Raven Spirit Ranch, LLC is doing business as improved devices™

As you can probably guess by the name under which we do business, we appreciate a good product, one which does what it’s intended to do.

There are so many things you can buy which tout their attributes only to disappoint. (If a product we offer isn’t doing what it says it’s suppose to do, please contact us and tell us in detail about the problem.)

Each of our products started with a fresh perspective about how to accomplish a specific task in a different way, a better way than what was available, if something was available at all.

Each one has been prototyped and tested in the appropriate real life situation until we got it right. That includes trying a variety of  materials for each application as well as the best way to put the materials together.  

We hope you are pleased with our products and customer support. We’d appreciate you telling your friends and family about your positive experience. If you’re not pleased with a product or the way we do business, please let us know right away so we have the opportunity to make it right with you.  

THANK YOU. You’ll find more details about us and our products on the following pages.


Since we’re a brand new business we have no testimonials from others to show you yet.

The expectations we have for the performance of our products are high. So far they have worked well for us. We hope it’s the same for you and that you’d be willing to tell others. Thanks.

My little friend Cinnamon curious about my sunglasses.
Linda Oso & Happy
Santa, the boss. He's been around for thirteen years.
Linda & grand daughter Gabby a few years ago.